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Fuji-Formost Wrapping Machines

If you are looking for the best value for your product dollar, you can stop looking. We offer a variety of Horizontal Flow Wrappers capable of packaging a wide variety of products. These versatile and flexible machines are brought to you by the machine building wizardry of Fuji Machinery Co. Ltd. combined with Formost Packaging Machine's time proven ability to solve customer problems.

Equipment Line


Horizontal Wrappers

Vertical Wrappers

Automation Solutions



FW-3400MS Horizontal Servo Shrink Wrapper

Based on the FW-3400 Horizontal Servo Wrapper, the FW-3400MS utilizes a melt-cut-sealer for both the center and end seals so that high strength seals can be achieved. The wrapped product then passes through a heat tunnel creating a clean, tight package.

The Model FW-3430MSB Box Motion Shrink Wrapper is configured differently than the FW-3400MS. The film is wrapped around the package so that the seals are located along three horizontal sides of the package to allow maximum surface availability of the package for distortion free graphics. A box motion melt-cut-sealer is used for the three side seals. The Model FW-3430MSB is ideal for CD jewel case, DVD cases or videotape cases or other low profile products.

  • High-speed operation

  • Create tight, attractive packages

  • Stainless steel models available

Products Packaged:

CD cases
DVD cases
soap bars

aerosol cans

breath mints

soap bottles




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