Formost Fuji Corp.
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Formost Bagging Machines - Special Applications

Equipment Line


Horizontal Wrappers

Vertical Wrappers

Automation Solutions


Formost Automatic Bun Bagging System

Bun Stacking and Bagging in One System

Bun System

Formost's bun system is interfaced to the most dependable and efficient bagger on the market, the Formost GTS bagger. This new design can run a variety of buns and rolls in all common configurations with minimal changeover required.Hamburger Buns (12k)

This offers a more efficient bun packaging line for increased production and a reduction in labor costs. We have been able to achieve this by incorporating a high speed grouper and simplified inline bun stacker with the reliability of the Formost GTS bagger.

Buns are grouped according to pack pattern. After slicing, the bun groups are split and transferred separately to the stacking station. Buns are stacked immediately prior to bagging minimizing stack transfer. Buns are gently pushed into awaiting bags.



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