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Formost Bagging Machines - Special Applications

Equipment Line


Horizontal Wrappers

Vertical Wrappers

Automation Solutions


Formost Combination Bagger

Combo Bagger
Product Brochure

The Formost Combination Bagger provides the kind of versatility that really pays off. Its ideal for sinHard Rolls (9k)gle oven operations and variety plants like those specializing in Italian or French style bakery products.

The Combination Bagger bags sliced bread faster and more gently than machines designed to handle bread alone. Then it works on everything else in the bakery - loose rolls, brown 'n server rolls, cluster buns, hearth-baked bread, donut trays, sweet rolls, English muffins... you name it. The Combination Bagger pays its way as a bread bagger - all the rest is a bonus.

The Combination Bagger can operate at up to 75 bags per minute.



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