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Fuji/Formost Automated Systems

Equipment Line


Horizontal Wrappers

Vertical Wrappers

Automation Solutions


top seal Brochure

Fuji-Formost Attachless Infeed System

Positive Feeding of Soft, Sticky Products

The Fuji-Formost Attachless Infeed System is specially designed to handle soft or sticky products that are impossible to wrap with lug chain systems. A flat conveyor belt transfers the product to the wrapper. The belt can be easily cleaned and removed.

The system allows for wide variations in product cut-off length. Product position is sensed and timed to the wrapper.

The Attachless Infeed System connects to Fuji-Formost Horizontal Servo Wrappers to provide a package of the best quality and appearance. The system is compatible with both bottom seal and top seal wrappers.

  • Maintains product quality with gentle product handling

  • Accommodates wide variations in cut-off length

  • Operates at up to 120 ppm

  • Quick and simple product changeover

  • Easy to clean belt conveyors

  • Stainless steel models available.


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